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ALL CREWS #3 & Bendo/Tud0r/Fisa’s BIRTHDAYBASH

Timişoara | D’arc | | județul Timiş
2025-04-05 | 23:00
 In times like these, where we feel the local scene went numb in the last years, we felt urged to make this call to arms with the goal to unite local underground crews and ravers alike around wha...
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 In times like these, where we feel the local scene went numb in the last years, we felt urged to make this call to arms with the goal to unite local underground crews and ravers alike around what really matters in this scene, music.This is the third session of many more to come, our goal being showcasing the local underground heroes and encouraging collaboration between local crews.At this session we are celebrating Bendo/Tud0r’s/ Fisa.s birthday , it will be a mega party.
Jon Jitsu (STRUCTURE)Tud0r (SUB:CONTROL)Pseudub ( SUB:CONTROL)Mighty Boogie (DIGITALRUSH)Alienmade (DUPLOC)
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ALL CREWS #3 & Bendo/Tud0r/Fisa’s BIRTHDAYBASH
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