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I Love Old School

Cluj-Napoca | Form Space | | județul Cluj
2025-03-22 | 23:55
 Remember a time when we we’re rocking baggy clothes, du-rags, and fullcaps?
A time when we had no worries, and our music was on our ipod or a casette, a time when 2pac o...
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 Remember a time when we we’re rocking baggy clothes, du-rags, and fullcaps?
A time when we had no worries, and our music was on our ipod or a casette, a time when 2pac or Eminem had the hottest music out?
The 90s & 2000’s left us with alot of great memories from our earlier beginings, a time when the music was of great Quality!
Well we are bringing back those vibes.
The biggest hits from the 90s & early 00’s
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