Tired of all the hearts, roses, and cheesy love songs?
Join us for a night of fun, laughter, and absolutely zero romance at our Anti-Valentine’s Party! Whether you’re single, heartbroken, or just over the hype, this is your chance to celebrate not celebrating love.
Get ready to witness an epic showdown like never before! Form University is all set to face off against Erasmus Students in a thrilling battle of wits, skills, and charisma at the Form University Party: Anti V-Day Edition!
Attention all Eramsus students! Flash your International Student ID at the door of Form Space and dive into a night of non-stop fun. Celebrate student life, dance, and show your university pride in the best way possible!
Come with friends, or come solo – just leave the love at the door, February 20 at Form Space.
This event is 18+ or accompanied by parents or legal guardians.
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